Juicing Photos

This is my typical consumption of fruits and vegetables within one weeks time.  Could never eat this much but juicing makes it easy! In addition I don't believe fasting is for me so I do have a meal once per day. Baked fish, poultry, salad.  No red meat while Im juicing. Everything you see here $60 at local farmers market.  Oh and yes that is a bottle of wine in the background.  smile

Tomatoes, Carrots, Pineapple, Ginger Root, Beets Mango, Lime, Lemons, Peppers (have in a salad), Sweet Potatoes, Oranges, Granny Smith Apples, Bananas for Smoothies, and Smoked Gouda Cheese (not for juicing.,,,I cheat with this)! Bananas cannot go in a juicer but make great smoothies when added to juice in a blender.

For Green Juice..Kale, Spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, celery, watercress, and parsley.

Storage.  Very Important that you have good storage containers to keep your produce fresh.  Toss those thin bags you get at the store.  Besides they make your fridge look tacky!  Actually keep the bags you will need them later.

I've tried a lot of containers.  The best thus far are called "Clic-Tite" Green handles. I picked up from Home Goods for practically nothing.  Amazing how long your foods keep.  They also carry the units with the white tops.  Don't like those as much.

I love these containers once I've mixed the juice for I'm always shaking the juice so its not separated.  Also easy to store and travel with If I'm not ready to drink immediately.

Clik-tite instruction label.

A must..'Clean food and a Clean kitchen!  Be sure to wash your produce.  I try and buy organic but sometimes do not for its so costly.  I always wash to get rid of pesticides and chemical treatments as best I can.  Otherwise you are absorbing these chemicals when you juice.   By the way try not to get the cucumbers covered in wax.  If so wash well.  And then there is FABULOSO!!  WARNING: NOT TO BE USED ON YOUR PRODUCE, BUT FOR CLEANING YOUR KITCHEN COUNTER TOPS.  Hands down the best.  I get it in the Dollar Store!

I really don't juice asparagus but I just love it.  When Im really hungry I will put in a pan with olive oil, onions, and garlic.  Ziploc's can be used for parsley and watercress.

Good books to grab.  The Big Book of Juices is a must.  Hundreds of recipes.  after a while you will know what you like and don't like.

Storage of fruits.  Be sure you do not juice only with fruits too often.  They are high in sugar.  I am working my way to more green juice but it takes time to acquire the taste.

Ok..here is when you are serious.  I have a little Wheat Grass and Spirulina each week.  Will make you gag the first time around but its so so good for you.
Mix it in the juice or if you are a die hard, water.


You must keep these refrigerated.

DO I CHEAT?  HELL YEAH I DO! Olives (not good especially if you have high blood pressure).  Gorgonzola and Blue Crumbled Cheeses, Hot Pepper Jelly, Roasted Garlic Mustard, Italian Creme Coffee Mate, Gouda, and of course [WINE..every day]
oh and I forgot..Pepperidge Farm Crackers..wheat of course.

OMG..My mommas canned peaches and apples.  I cheat with this!

Depending on your juicer you may want to save all those bags you get from the store. Use them to catch the pulp and toss.  No cleaning necessary.

I hate it but...Plenty of water..a must! Still trying to do better with this.

Typical Meal. Arugula greens with Salmon, olives, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and cranberry raisins . My favorite topping Lite Raspberry Walnut Dressing.  I didn't catch the glass of wine in the photo.  Sorry.

Kale, Spinach, Broccoli.  I'm getting used to the green only juices but it hasn't been easy.  I do it because I feel like a million bucks 15 minutes later!  Chlorophyll is amazing. Add a granny apple to help sweeten.  This container is the bomb!  you can store a little water in the bottom to help keep greens fresh. Its really a Lettuce keeper made by Progressive.  Home Goods carries it.

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